Our Values

Build boats, not moats

Moats are defensive, they protect what exists and are an insurance plan. Boats, on the other hand, are made to take new territory and advance beyond the existing boundaries. We aim to take new territory for our clients, investing resources into new opportunities.

Stand tall

Integrity matters and we want to represent our clients with the highest degree of professionalism and authenticity. We also want to serve them well by being willing to “fight” for what we believe is best for them rather than being “yes-folk.”

Chase your fears

Oftentimes our fears chase us. The common advice we all hear, “face your fears,” is good. But what if we took it a step further and chased our fears. After all, “If God is for us, what can stand against us?”

Important, not urgent

Success is determined by our ability to focus on the right things - the important, not the urgent. We want to avoid being busy for busyness sake and instead fill our time with meaningful work that will have a great impact. 


Pursuit Sales Company specializes in Relational RevGen for SMBs (small to medium sized businesses). Founded by Dan Cox, the goal is to multiply the ideas, products and services of others through B2B sales and relational marketing tactics such as influencer marketing, story telling, vendor management, events, and collaborations. Today’s culture believes in the overnight digital success story, but we know that brand equity and strength are forged over many years,






We’re convinced this is the best use of our talents. One conversation after another have cemented that belief in our minds and we’ve had the opportunity to see the fruit for our clients. Many entrepreneurs have an idea or skillset but either lack the time, tools or the desire to sell their offer to potential customers. We have an opportunity to lend our experiences towards your ideas and partner to create a foundation built on people.